
Showing posts with the label Lead of Digital transformation

Who should lead your digital transformation?

We agree with many of the things that are mentioned, but the question is: how do you find this digital leadership? They mostly seemed to assume that all CxO’s need to work together for this, but not every company is blessed with a digital savvy management team. Without someone really taking charge of something, we all know it usually doesn’t lead to many results, as everyone is very busy with their jobs. So to take charge of the digital transformation, we believe that you need someone new: a Chief Digital Officer who becomes a permanent part of the team. He or she doesn’t need to be a digital guru, but rather a digital general manager with all the skills to manage a lot of internal and external change. Later on in the post, we describe what this CDO should be like, but first, you might be wondering whether this role is even needed. What about your existing leadership? Explaining that makes this a long post, but picking the leader for your Digital Transform...