
Showing posts with the label enterprise mobile app

How a business enterprise can utilize mobile apps to enhance the business

The whole world now depends on smartphone apps; for communication, entertainment, and various other services. When looking from a consumer point of view, apps are the best channel to access everything online. But, are these same apps also profitable for businesses? There has been a noticeable revolution in the smartphone world. It is led by the growing demands of smart devices and apps. Apps make these devices really smarter. Of course, the revolution is led by the demand, but then the demand increases because of the usefulness of these devices. Touch screen display, easy internet connectivity, information exchange and huge memory capacity have driven the whole world to prefer smartphones as the only computing screen for a lot of general tasks. The two largely used smartphone platforms are iOS and Android. Both are amazing and serving almost 99% of the market share. They both together have millions of apps, which have been downloaded billions of times from their online stores, name

The essential reason Hiring The Best Mobile App Development Company Is Essential For Enterprise Today

Mobile phones have become as ubiquitous as wristwatches once were. Men, women and even children are today connected to others from across the world, all thanks to the new smartphone technology. Smartphones are virtual computers that you can carry around in your pocket easily. These mobile phones not only allow you to talk to another person but also provide you a world of information, all in the palm of your hands. The spread of the Smartphone According to a report by Statista, as of January 2018, there were over 3.7 billion individual mobile users in the world. Also, thanks to the advanced smartphone technology in use today, mobile smartphones accounted for nearly 50% of the total global internet usage volume. There are numerous such facts and figures which show clearly the still-increasing numbers of smartphone users worldwide. We all know that a smartphone is hardly of much use unless and until you have smartphone applications, or 'Apps,' installed in it. Mobile apps a

Why you ought to incorporate substance advertising instruments in Mobile app development

Mobile technologies have gradually advanced into both our own and expert lives. Critical development in the Mobile application technologies advertise throughout the years has prodded a considerable measure of organizations to receive the portable first approach. The advantages of Mobile app development, and utilizing distinctive advances for your organizations are various. Furthermore, a Mobile application for your business empowers you to achieve a bigger, more worldwide gathering of people, set up an immediate line commitment with your buyers, use more up to date technologies to improve the client encounter, and when all is said in done, upgrade your return on investment (ROI). Developing the correct application for your business is an unpredictable procedure that is best left in the hands of expert Mobile app development services , yet it's imperative to comprehend your extraordinary business necessities so your portable application is more in accordance with your busine

Can a Mobile App Development Company Guide Increase Company Profitability?

Over the past couple of years, there has been a dramatic change in the mindset of employers. Companies have got started recognizing the worth of aiming for employee happiness to boost productivity and retention. Unhappy, disappointed and disengaged workers cost the US up to $550 billion in dropped performance each year, says the findings of a study of the American workplace conducted by leading consulting firm Gallup . Employee happiness and engagement are crucial for organizations of all sizes, with the study showing that a whopping 70% of American employees either feel disengaged or not actively involved with the company or the work they are performing. While there are many factors that contribute to employee satisfaction and engagement, a mobile app development company may contribute to this endeavor. Enterprise apps have proven to substantially reduce inefficient tasks. When processes are ineffective, employees spend time managing logistics or achieving basic communication wit

Mobile App Development Platforms: Transitioning from No App to Your First App

With the demand for mobile applications skyrocketing, organizations are increasingly relying on mobile development platforms to get onto the digital stage. This article discusses the considerations pertaining to the selection of the right app development platform. From being a staple for only large organizations like Walmart and Bank of America, mobile applications have now shaken up the SME community. Startups and midsize businesses that seldom considered the possibility of developing their own apps are now warming up to the concept to achieve the business success they once found difficult to even imagine. The constant advancement in mobile technology has been a clear leveler, creating equal opportunities for enterprises of all sizes across sectors. Think about it. The beauty spa in your locality, the travel agency around the corner or grocery shop down the lane, all have the opportunity to cash in on mobile applications and serve you better. And they can do so without much sw

What are the best mobile app development companies? Why?

Identifying the best mobile app development company can be a daunting task. I was part of a company that had an enterprise mobile app created recently. I wanted to share my experience and learnings. We envisioned a mobile app to facilitate coordination with our sales team, which was spread through the country. The app was very well received by our sales team and it improved collaboration and communication. Most importantly, it increased productivity, gave the top management better control over data and resulted in a great deal of time-saving. Well worth the time and money invested in developing the apps. In retrospect, I believe our journey would have been smoother if we had defined our short-term and long-term goals a little better, rather than trying to imagine features of the mobile app. So, even before you begin looking for the best mobile app development company, make a list of your goals (what you want to achieve with the app). The company we chose was HokuApps and the