
Showing posts with the label custom app development

How Mobile Apps Develop Greater Business Practices

“A best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are superior to those achieved by other means or because it has become a standard way of doing things, e.g., a standard way of complying with legal or ethical requirements.” Wikipedia It is common knowledge that mobile apps that are made with industry-best design and development practices in mind ensure that the business works in the most optimized ways possible. However, a key feature that is missed in the melee is that mobile apps themselves help businesses help design better workflow practices. This article takes a look at how custom mobile apps can redesign business workflows to deliver enhanced products and services to their clients, and how the business environment can be bolstered so that employee deliveries at optimal. Here are the ways in which custom mobile application development can redesign your business workflows: ...

How to Use Custom Mobile App Development to Boost Field Service Productivity

Field service officers are the un-official flag-bearers of the organization. For most customers, these technicians are the only real contact they will have with the company. However, in order to measure and increase their productivity in the field, they must be equipped with the right tools. A custom mobile app development company can provide these tools. Mobile apps can enable field service agents in performing field operations seamlessly thereby increasing productivity, after sales service quality and prompt delivery. All these parameters add up to a higher customer satisfaction score. Here’s how field service agents can benefit from mobile apps: Creating Work Orders Based on Real-Time Customer Needs Using mobile enterprise apps, managers can create work orders depending on pre-emptive data from the service model, while ensuring adaptability based on priority. Real-time data creates room for better, more informed decision-making based on the inputs collected by the field age...

The Need for Custom Mobile App Development in 2018

The mobile app ecosystem has witnessed tremendous growth over the past few years. The global revenue generated by apps is expected to exceed $110 billion in 2018, according to estimates published by App Annie. Machine Learning, a subset of Artificial Intelligence, will help make phones even smarter than they are today. That's the reason you must need to know the need for custom mobile app development in 2018 For more details : Visit now

Does it pay to build your own custom mobile apps? Yes, says survey

There's a tendency among people in enterprises to use off-the-shelf mobile apps to help them get their work done. This is the essence of shadow IT, and to a large extent, mainstream IT as well. But it may work out better in the long run for companies to design and build their own mobile apps. Photo: Joe McKendrick That's the key takeaway from a new  survey  of 374 executives, published by CDW, which sought to measure the business value gained from mobile apps. The survey finds that for the most part, companies use more off-the-shelf than custom mobile apps -- six off-the-shelf apps for every five custom mobile apps, on average. Nearly 80 percent of businesses surveyed said they allow employees to use off-the-shelf mobile apps. But IT budget dollars are flowing to custom apps. Close to half, 48 percent report that their app development budgets increased over the past year, and 42 percent plan to invest in new app development in the year ahead. On average, businesses est...