
Get ready to leap beyond Data Analytics with Predictive Analytics

In the world of business, the currency to succeed keeps evolving, transforming and fluctuating. There was a time when money was the only determining factor for a company’s success. At the same time, it was the only influential resource that could guarantee success in the future as well. However, as time went by, business became more and more dynamic. Multiple variables came into play which widened the turf for competition in business. This gave many entities an opportunity to be able to compete with those who were perceived to be invincible. In today’s world, data is an essential currency for succeeding in the business league and Hokuapps can help you for Data Analytics. You can check this video of Roofing Southwest about Hokuapps review . Data Unlocks Insight Data, by itself, is of little to no use to a company. However, if the same data is structured, enhanced, analyzed and run through an advanced algorithm that can strategically calculate patterns among large quan

How well can the Internet of Things thrive in multi-cloud environments?

Introducing IoT to the World The Internet of Things has taken over our world in a strikingly dominant manner with smart homes, smart organizations as well as smart cities setting enviable standards for competitors. It has essentially demonstrated how technology can make everybody’s life much more convenient. Technological innovation is continually making new strides every day and with that, existing technology is only improving. Soon enough, we will be able to do much more by combining the tools at our disposal. In terms of the current usage of IoT, tools like smart devices and wearables have created a breakthrough for companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, etc. They have been able to bring IoT, literally into people’s homes. With smart home gadgets gaining immense popularity, the layman has been able to experience the marvelous technology closely. The profitability generated by IoT applications is noteworthy. It also gives us an opportunity to explore various potential use ca

What Does the Future Hold For AI In Business!

The Rise of ‘Disruptive Technologies’ Disruptive innovation is one that essentially wipes out or replaces an existing market or value network. Over the years, many technological innovations have managed to displace existing systems. However, in the world of business, everything has an expiry date. Technology has shown striking evidence of disrupting existing operations, algorithms, jobs as well as markets and the pace at which this is happening is exponential. New innovations have a shelf life or validity of fewer than five years. The competition is intense and platforms for tech-based innovations are growing day by day. In this scenario, artificial intelligence has made a breakthrough like no other. AI and its Impact on Businesses Artificial intelligence in machines, as an idea, has existed for many decades but it is only now that average workplaces are able to experience scalable advantages of these systems. For sectors ranging from finance to logistics and media to governan

Key differences between Data mining and Big data

Big Data Analytics Big Data, as the name suggests, refers to a huge volume of data that may be structured, semi-structured or unstructured. This data can be procured from diverse sources and then analyzed with a view to obtain relevant and essential insights from it. It is a rather complex procedure as it involves a great volume of data, the source of which is often uncertain. Moreover, it may not always be available in a uniform, structured manner. Big data analytics is an essential discipline closely linked to business development. With the help of Big Data analytics, businesses are able to determine certain factors that may directly affect their profits, consumers, strategies and products. One of the most significant aspects of Big Data analysis is that more often than not, it is linked to marketing exercises. Determining consumer preferences, recognizing patterns, making relevant and timely correlations among the vast amounts of data and drawing predictive conclusions is where B

Should We Combine Blockchain, IoT and Big Data?

In the era of exponential business expansion, global breakthroughs in communication, digitization of the financial world and the democratization of media, the volume of data has increased considerably. For the public sector which is burdened with tasks like citizen profiling, healthcare, subsidy distribution system, etc., the sheer amount of data that has to be evaluated is substantial. For businesses, consumer analysis, risk assessment, financial evaluation, logistics, etc. are some of the activities that involve the need for Big Data management. Technology has contributed greatly to this increase in the volume, structure and complexity of data and technology itself offers many tools to simplify and assess it. In simple words, Big Data refers to huge volumes of data that may be structured or unstructured that is gathered from multiple sources and is used for various purposes like establishing patterns, evaluating the quality of a certain type of data or to make predictions. E

Digital Transformation as an Enterprise-Wide Movement

In 2019, strategic digital transformation is only becoming more pervasive moving beyond IT to impact competitiveness throughout the organization. Budgets are soaring. The list of disruptive technologies on the radar of stakeholders is expanding. Ownership is moving to the C-Suite and managed by cross-functional, collaborative groups. Customer experience (CX) continues to lead digital transformation investments, but as we observed in 2017, employee experience and organizational culture are also rising in importance to empower and accelerate change, growth, and innovation. it’s clear that digital transformation is maturing into an enterprise-wide movement. Digital transformation is modernizing how companies work and compete and helping them effectively adapt and grow in an evolving digital economy. What’s also evident is that there is still much work to do as companies are, by and large, prioritizing technology over grasping the disruptive trends that are influencing markets a

Change Management: The Key to Successful Digital Transformations

Companies of all types and sizes are investing heavily in the digitization of their business models. Driven by the changing consumer expectations that B2C digital juggernauts like Uber, Netflix and Amazon have created, many companies are investing in reimagining their business. To achieve relevance in what is being called the Fourth Industrial Revolution — the convergence of offline and digital, mobile, artificial intelligence, social and cloud — companies must be more customer focused, agile, lean and interactive. Any digital transformation includes the following core ingredients: Strategy — aligning vision, customer experience, processes, and technology. User-Centered Design — mobile first and personalized. Agility in Delivery — iterative and adaptable. Integration of Software, Platforms, and Technology — choosing environments and products that harmonize. Data, Analytics and Insights — a constant feedback loop. Product Design Mindset in Execution — minimal viabl