Hire a dedicated Mobile App Development Company

The last couple of years have witnessed a surge in the acceptance and subsequent popularity of enterprise mobility. A recent research paper reports that employees are saving over 80 minutes a week at work. Thanks to their personal mobile devices, that play a remarkable role in boosting both productivity and employee morale. As a result, enterprises are enthusiastically embracing the trend of going mobile. Adoption of enterprise mobility witnessed a steep rise - from a 36 percent at the onset of 2017 to a 50 percent in early 2018.
Enterprises now have a medium to organize teams and events and to connect with employees quite seamlessly. By mid-2017, over 75 percent of organizations were taking steps to adopt mobile apps, many of which continue to struggle with internal development queues of 50-100 mobile apps.
Faced with such a challenge, it is important for enterprises to consider collaborating with a mobile app development agency to fulfill the requirements through a reliable, cost-effective and efficient process. In other words, the entire process streamlines when an entity specialized in the field takes the wheel.
Here are few reasons that explain why enterprises should tie up with a mobile app development company that holds proven records of being an expert in the field:

Time and Cost Savings

Resources and investments vying to set up a world-class mobile app development department are undoubtedly cost and time intensive. IT teams are often ill-equipped for developing customized apps from scratch in large volumes at a rapid pace.
On the other hand, a mobile application development company specializes in this task. The internal IT department of a business can easily liaise with a third-party company to procure the apps they need at lower costs and lesser time. Not only does this free up internal IT resources to manage core business processes, but also help companies do away with hefty and risky investments.

Quality and Control

By hiring a dedicated mobile app development company, enterprises can find the right balance of quality, cost, and control. For example, there are many mobile app development companies in Singapore but HokuApps has proven experience in providing tailored professional services to an assortment of industries - from large-scale engineering plants to environmental agencies.
By seeking the assistance of dedicated companies, enterprises are equipped to deliver higher volumes and impeccable quality, while having the degree of control, per their business requirements.

Constant Maintenance and Support

Hiring a dedicated mobile app vendor also allows enterprises to centralize their end-to-end service requirements. A dedicated vendor can provide continued 24/7 support as and when required, which isn’t always possible with internal IT teams.
The service agreement between organizations and mobile app development companies can include a comprehensive maintenance and support plan as a contingency for any eventuality. This form of secure and assured maintenance and support is only possible through a dedicated mobile app development agency.

Advanced Domain Knowledge

It is easy to overlook the pace at which technology is emerging, which in turn, has led to this overwhelming popularity of enterprise mobility. While many internally sourced IT developers are competent in launching an application, a dedicated mobile app development company can provide next-generation domain knowledge. The reason being, the expertise of the company lies in this field solely, and so is the dedication.
As industry specialists, they are aware of emerging trends such as legacy systems modernization which allow them to assist enterprises towards being technology-mature. Such agencies also possess a broader skill set and experience with which they can provide crucial development insights that an internal IT team may fail to do.
The choice between internally developing mobile apps and hiring a dedicated mobile app development company is simple. The right choice goes a long way in fetching benefits that would have long-lasting benefits for the organization.


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