Mobile applications are the next big thing

The meaning of that statement is evident if you just take a quick glance around you. In fact, the average smartphone user uses at least 9 apps on a daily basis. Mobile applications are helping us improve the quality of lives and even allowing us to materialize ideas from our wildest imaginations.
At a time when mobile applications are becoming the center of attention for trends like the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, the market is certainly a lucrative one. And why not. The staggering number of apps available for download across all app marketplaces is reason enough to believe that mobile app development has taken off and is soaring high.

However, while mobile applications are definitely a good investment for any organization to ride enterprise mobility wave, development of these apps are a whole different ball-game. In order to develop a successful app, it is imperative to have an iron-clad development process in place. From ideation to deployment, having a well thought out blueprint not only ensures a smooth operation but also eliminates the risk of shooting over the budget and staying within time limitations.

And this brings us to a pertinent question.

What are the steps that ensure a frictionless app development process?

Let us take a look.

6 steps for Successful App Development


This is, without a doubt, the first and most important step of your mobile app development company. During this stage, you will need to determine what your application really is. This includes determining the application’s extent of functionality and the features that you would include in the app.

However, it is smart to keep in mind that these details are subject to changes during the subsequent process. But when done right, the ideation stage can minimize the probability of such unforeseen changes. Once you have defined the app’s outline you will need to identify your target user base and the targeted deployment platform(s). Here you will determine whether your app will be native, cross-platform, or web-based.

Planning and Strategy

With the app’s blueprint in hand, you are now ready to scope out the market for rival apps. Thankfully, various app stores will give you just what you need. One of the best ways to understand the market behavior is by looking at the user feedback on apps that offer similar services. This will give you an idea on the essential features of your app and any improvements that you can incorporate in your mobile app development process.

Wireframe and Design

The wireframe stage is where you start defining how your app will look. This is best done on paper with the basic look of various landing pages. During this stage in your mobile app development process, you will be laying down the navigational blueprint of your application. It is once again a good idea to keep in mind the actual design process (which comes right after) which entails making some changes to the wireframes. It is, therefore, best to keep a tolerant approach to the process.
During the design process, you will need to place the elements in a real-time scenario. It is a good practice to follow closely the guidelines set forth by various app launching platforms. For example, Apple recommends a 44-pixel square touch area, while Android suggests that all design processes use density-independent pixels.

It is important, here, to understand that the UI/UX design is often the ‘make or break’ of an application. It is important to put yourself in the user’s shoe. Testing the design and its utility as well as the aesthetics from the user’s perspective can help you stay one step ahead in the game.

Build an MVP

An MVP or Minimum Viable Product is, as the name suggests, a prototype of the actual application that accomplishes the basic functions of the application. This minimum viable product can be released to the first batch of users and receive regular feedback. This accomplishes two things. Firstly, the user is made an integral part of the development process. Secondly, by keeping the process highly iterative, you eliminate the need for a developmental hierarchy and achieve the desired results much faster than the traditional method.


Now that you have a minimum viable product and understand the direction your app is headed in, the next step in the app development process would be to begin the actual development process. The development process entails the undertaking of various front-end and back-end operations. These include integration with third-party software or legacy systems and development of mobile APIs (Application Programming Interface).

The development stage is also where you will need to define the application’s behavior on various platforms. If you are developing a native app, a cross-platform app, or a web-based app, the development phase is where these will matter the most.


In order to ensure that your app is at optimal functionality, you will need to test it. Conducting a comprehensive quality assurance test at all development stages is imperative before you finally make the application available to the public. The testing parameters vary with each platform. For instance, Apple follows a more stringent testing procedure than Android, failure to meet which will result in the revoking of the app’s certificate.

Deployment and Lifecycle Management

At this stage, you have a developed application with you which has been tested and launched in various app stores. Your mobile app development process is only half done. This is where your project becomes an actual mobile application. After the launch, you will need to keep an eye out for user feedback and incorporate changes that are required. The lifecycle management also needs you to fix bugs that may show up during runtime and modify your application to perform optimally on different devices.
Now that you know the steps to develop a successful mobile app, it is your turn to take the mobile application world by storm. You only need to understand that in order to break the rules, you need to know the rules. Beyond that, the magic of your idea takes precedence.


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