How to get the most out of the mobile app development process

Mobile apps are an intrinsic part of everyday life. They simplify life in terms of all human transactions ranging from ordering food online and playing utility bills to complex enterprise functions like managing a field force and mapping inventory in a warehouse. This article mentions a few pre-requisites for consideration in the process of mobile app development:

1. Mapping the User

Understanding what the end-user wants is the most crucial part of the puzzle for any business; building a mobile app is no different. Before you begin wireframing, zero-in on the target audience, study their behavior patterns and analyze the impact your app will have on their lives. All these factors will affect how the app fares in the actual marketplace.

2. Make it Simple

Most new revolutionary mobile apps make one error- they are not user-friendly. The best app design includes functionality that is easy to maneuver. While you structure the mobile app development blueprint, make sure that it’s intuitive and maintains an optimum balance of text to images so that users know what to expect. A few existing mobile application development platforms achieve this seamlessly.
For example, when you engage the HokuApps mobile app development platform to build your application, you gain access to an inbuilt UI/UX design studio with a deep library of pre-built UI/UX designs structured for various business verticals and functions. These designs have evolved from extensive work associated with industry-leading commercial apps. All solutions built on the HokuApps platform automatically incorporate these design best practices.

3. Cross-platform Functionality

In today’s day and age, users access mobile apps from a wide variety of devices including but not limited to desktops, laptops, mobile devices and tablets of all sizes and screen configurations. In order to ascertain a holistic user experience, the mobile application development process must ensure functionality across all devices. Developing a cross-platform approach will minimize user attrition on account of any device change.

4. Minimum Viable Product

Prioritizing app features is the most important focus of the mobile application development process. It is easy to bombard the user with multiple features at the launch of the app, although that may not be the best strategy. Developers must focus on two or three core features that the app will perform better than existing apps in order to gain a significant market share.
Additional features can be introduced later, once the app value proposition is fortified. Developing a minimum viable product will help test the market and keep the app lightweight.

5. Testing the App

Mobile applications have access to user data and private information that may be susceptible to cyber-attacks if the app infrastructure is not secure. Testing the app at every stage of the mobile app development is vital for resolving security loopholes and improving the app infrastructure. This is equally applicable for incremental updates and newer features added later on in the lifecycle of the app.

6. Develop a Feedback Loop

Having a robust feedback loop that channels useful inputs from users will add years to your app. The biggest test of any app is the rate of adoption by the end-users who will always have a thing or two to share about their app experience and what you can do to improve upon it. As developers, you must take this feedback in the highest regard and work on building technologies that your users love and support for years to come.
Mobile application development has expanded the horizon for mobile computing technology. Thousands of new apps throng the digital marketplace every day to an eager and excited user base. In order to publish an app that users love, you must demarcate your target audience early on, build an application that is simple to use and easy to navigate and embellish the app with functionality that was previously lacking in other similar apps.

Moreover, test the apps for bugs to provide a seamless user experience and keep the channel for feedback open so that you can further capitalize the market with improvements that are ahead of the curve so join with HokuApps one of the leading mobile application development company providing unique solutions to enterprise.


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