Are We Prepared for Industry 4.0?

Technology, like humankind, is undergoing a consistent cycle of evolution. Tactical research, experimental breakthroughs, scientific inquiry around existing technology and the integration of technology and business has accelerated the pace at which technological advancement is taking place greatly.
Today, the life span of any new technology is shrinking exponentially. Complex technological tools are being used to simplify as well as to resolve problems ranging from business, media, academics, public services, social issues as well as conservation of nature. In this fast-paced, dynamic industry, the time has come for a brand new ‘revolution’.

Industrial Revolutions’ Over the Years

Kick started by the marvel of hydropower and the mechanics of the steam engine, the industrial revolution had drastic technological, social as well as political repercussions. Over the years, different versions of the industrial revolution have made notable disruptions in multiple sectors. The institution of the ‘assembly line’ in factories changed the rules of production drastically. Consequently, the introduction of computers and electronics enhanced the quality, speed and efficiency of the production process.
Today, we are approaching Industry 4.0, wherein automation is the keyword. Machines and products are going to be active agents in their own production process and this brings with it countless opportunities and at the same time, a handful of concerns.

IoT Powered Machines

The lead role in Industry 4.0 is played by the recently developed technology called the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology enables machines and objects to interact with one another with the help of sensors. As a result of the network created from these sensors, machines and products can directly communicate with one another during the process of production. Multi-purpose sensors notify one another about the requirements and expected functions of the machines at every step of the procedure. This gives birth to what is being called as a ‘Smart Factory’.

Perks of a ‘Smart Factory’

One of the primary advantages of an automated so-called ‘smart factory’ is the mere fact that all variables- whether they are machines, objects, products or supporting in the production process- are interconnected. This aspect brings about a centralized control system to the entire process. A centralized system leads to fewer instances of downtime, unexpected maintenance cycles or accidents since most of the variables can now be easily controlled. Because of the network, there is a sense of predictability to the elaborate process of production.
The raw material and the machines that manipulate the material can communicate with one another. As a result, practically an entire product can be prepared in minutes without the requirement of any human intervention. In terms of the maintenance of machines, IoT is generally accompanied by constant digital logs of the activities of the machines. Thus, the performance of the machines can be carefully monitored, inspected, controlled and hence comfortably predicted. This is highly beneficial from a fiscal perspective.

Automatic Advantages of Going Digital

IoT, being a digitized technology, brings with it many added benefits for a businessperson to consider. Digitization translated to the automatic recording of all real-time data. Thus, it is also possible for technicians to constantly evaluate the performance of any new procedure. The insights produced by IoT systems can help business leaders easily decide what they can do to change or tweak existing processes to make them more economically viable.
Being computerized processes, the room for error is automatically reduced to a large extent. You can read HokuApps review to know more about digital transformation. Thus, Industry 4.0 comes with greater efficiency, real-time control over complex production processes as well as complete data regarding the performance of the entire IoT network!
Ever since its arrival, the internet of things has raised concerns in the business community regarding the loss of jobs. However, many industry stalwarts are optimistic that the loss of jobs due to technological advancements will never reach an alarming rate. Moreover, the introduction of technologies like the IoT is projected to create jobs that never existed before. So it will be much more beneficial to focus on reaping the immediate benefits that the newest industrial revolution brings about in business models.
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